
ACF648 Health & Social Care Level 3


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  • Level: Diploma
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Personal and professional development plays a significant role in the health and social care sector. Higher authorities give training to the staff members so that their skills can be developed and they can provide quality care to the patients (Busse, Aboneh and Tefera, 2014). Present report is based on Caring Homes Group, which is an independent health care organization which deals with old age people. It offers them high quality care services so that old age people can live a healthy life. It also discusses principles of support for working in health and social care. It explains the impact of culture and experience of health care professionals. Impact of new developments on personal values will be described in this study. Furthermore, report will evaluate effectiveness of own's contribution as a Health and Social Care Practitioner.


1.1 Comparison of personal values with principles of support

            Caring Homes Group is an independent organization that continuously works  for providing better home care services to old age people. Personal values such as belief, preferences of the person etc impact on the principles of support. Each person has its own belief and preferences that are depended upon their cultural aspects and background. It reflects the priority of the person towards the work. On other hand, principles of care organizations are being regulated by the health care centres. Higher authorities design some principles which are necessary for the health care professionals to follow (Manners, 2017).  The persons, who are working in Caring Homes Group have to follow these principles and they are highly depended upon the conceptual framework of equality and love for humanity. It is a responsibility of a health care professional to provide proper care to old age people as per their medical requirements. On other hand, personal values and principles are guided by individual and that directs the person how to perform in an organization (Rolls and et.al, 2016).

Personal Values

Effects of the values on principles of support in Health and Social Care

Belief and Preference

I am working as a Health Care Professional in Caring home group

. I believe that providing quality care is good because I would be able to fulfil my responsibility effectively. I believe that I have to put my hard affords  to render adequate level of support to the patients in the Caring home group.

Equal Rights and Confidentiality

I treat individuals well and do not discriminate them. I take care of their personal information so that person can get right treatment \.


1.2 Impact of culture and own belief on service users in Health and Social Care Setting

            Cultural aspects and experience of social workers impact directly on the service users' and health and social care setting. This includes family life, ethnicity etc. These factors help the health care professionals in providing quality care to old people in Caring home group. If a person has grown in the culture where they give respect to old age people and behave properly with them (Lewallen and et.al,  2015). This helps them in providing quality care to the users. If a person has good experience of dealing with such type of patients then it influences their behaviour and they treat the care users well.

Personal culture and experience

Impact as a Health Care Professionals


I have to treat all individuals equally in care homes. I can not discriminate people.  My culture helps me in dealing with old age patients well and providing them full support so that they can live a healthy life. I do not discriminate them on the bases of race, age etc. I deal with all the care users equally.


It is my personal experience  that if doctors disclose personal information of patients with others then individual feel hesitated and they do not discuss their problems with the medical professionals. Thus, I always take care of this thing and keep their medical details confidential so that individual feel safe and take complete treatment in the Caring home group.


1.3 Impact of new developments and changes on working as Health Care Professionals

            Health and social care sector which is growing well and working for social welfare. These new developments are related with new legislations, code of practices, technological advancement etc. All these changes impact the working of medical professionals to a great extent. Modifications in legislation and policy changes are major developments in this sector (Fayyad and et.al, 2017). In such condition, being a medical professional, it is essential for me to make changes in the treatment procedures and  priorities.             By this way, an individual can provide quality care services to old age people in Caring home group. This changes personal attitude and values of care providers. Because by this way, an individual makes changes in their priorities and provide treatment to people as per new laws.

            Advancement in technology is another development in Health and Social Care Setting. Now it has become compulsory for the medical professionals to keep electronic records of each patient. Furthermore, high authorities are now providing training to the staff members so that they can deal with these technologies well and can improve their knowledge (Ocloo and Matthews, 2016). This enhances cognition of these people and they use the latest equipments effectively to provide proper care to patients in Caring home group.

4.1 Own personal contribution when working with others

            Medical professionals play a significant role in the Health and Social Care Sector. Being a practitioner, I always contributed well to provide quality care to patients in Caring home group. I try to identify their needs and accordingly provide them treatment. This helps me in improving their health conditions soon. When I have to deal with other staff members then I ensure that I can keep personal information of old age people confidential. I record all their details in computer and do not disclose this information with other patients. I contribute extra working hours for treating the patients well. I always try to save life of old age people in emergency conditions. I developed their confidence so they react positively and coordinate well during the treatment process. I discuss my cases with other staff members; this minimizes confusion and helps me in working effectively ina team (McFadden, Campbell and Taylor, 2014).

4.3 Actions to minimize barriers in effective team work in Health and Social Care Sector

            In order to minimize barriers to effective team working, I have taken several actions. All these actions supported me in getting positive results. Being a medical professional in Caring home group, I have tried to develop interpersonal relationship among all team members. By this way, all staff members are now sharing their views with each other's and find new solutions to treat patients well. I have focused more on professional code of conduct. This has helped me in minimizing barriers to effective teamwork. When all professional follow standard code of practices then they will be able to perform their duties well without any failure (Estabrooks and et.al, 2015). This will be beneficial for professionals in working as team. Furthermore, providing training is another good solution to minimize barriers of effective team working. By this way, all people will be able to develop their knowledge and perform well in Caring home group.


2.1 Own current skills and learning styles

            Being a Health Care Professional, I have to learn new things in this setting so that I can perform well in Care hone group. I took support of VAK learning style. I first learn through visual presentation. I look at the pictures, diagrams and develop my knowledge by looking these things. Furthermore, auditory learning is another type of style in which I  listen viewpoint of others. Whenever my seniors give me training I listen their points carefully. That helps me in improving my knowledge through which I can deal with Old age people in Caring home group effectively. Kinesthetic is another aspect of VAK learning style. I learn from  experiences in the care home.

My current skills are explained as below:


·       I follow instructions properly that are given by my higher authorities.

·       I can build strong relationship with patients so that they become able to discuss their problems with me.

·       I handle challenges effectively that supports me in providing quality treatment to different patients.


·       I have a little knowledge of changes in legislation and new code of practices.

·       Poor technological knowledge


·       Changes in legislation

·       Effective communication skill can help me in providing quality care services to the users.


·       Frequent changes in legislation sometimes create confusion that enhances chances of mistake.

·       Cultural and diversity


2.2 Holistic development of short-term, medium-term and long -term goal

SMART objectives


Strategies to implement the goal

Resources requirements

Time scale

Short term goal

To improve time management and communication skills

I will have to work as per the set priorities by the higher authorities. This will help me in managing my work well and coordinating well with care users in the hospital.

Seniors, seminar hall, internet, pen

8 months

Midterm goal

To improve knowledge about legislation and code of practices

I will have to search for new legislation  Training will help me in meeting with my midterm goal.

Trainers, motivator, senior guidance

5 months

Long term goal

To work as a team and develop critical thinking skills

I will have to interact with seniors . By this way I will be able to lead a team and handle critical situations well. .

Seniors, internet, computer, pen

3 months


2.3 Monitor progress against the plan according to the requirements of a Health and Social Care Practitioner

            It is very important for the health care professionals to review the development plan. This can help in minimizing loops and improve skills. For this, I will have to conduct skill assessment. This will help me in identifying improvement and I will be able to know what improvement require more. Skill assessment will help me in comparing my capabilities with the standards (Ellner and et.al, 2015). So that I will be able to make contingency plan for enhancing my abilities. I can measure the progress by making sub sections of set goals. I can do the same weekly. I can prepare  a checklist that will help me in monitoring progress against the plan.

2.4 Effectiveness of development plan

            From evaluation, it has been identified that my development plan is effective and can help me in meeting with my objectives. Being  a health Care Professional, it is essential for me to have good communication skills so that I can interact with my patients well in Caring home group and can understand their requirements. If I develop my communication skills then I would be able to deal with care users properly. Medical professional needs to have good critical thinking skill. This skill will help me in making sound decisions whenever critical situation arise. By this way, I would be able to provide quality care services to the patients in Caring home group. This development plan will be effective in order to improve my knowledge about new legislation and code of practices. It is essential for the medical professional to have sound knowledge of laws and practices. This helps them in treating patients according to the standards (Renedo and et.al, 2015). By this way, I would be able to fulfil my responsible effectively.

4.2 Limit of own work impact on work with others

             However, some times' limitation of own works impact on the work with others. For example, nurses are responsible to provide quality care services to patients in Caring home group but due to difference in culture they fail to understand language and know medical needs of patients (The Role of Medical Staff in Providing Patients Rights, 2014). In such conditions, a medical professional fails to treat them well which gives ineffective results. It is essential for a person to work in a team and discuss each case carefully with other team members. However, due to workload, a medical professional fails to do the same which impact on working with others. It increases the chances of medication errors which affect negatively on the health care organization.


3.1 Nature of different professionals relationships in HSC

            Caring home group is the health care organization where many health professionals are working. These are such as line managers, medical professionals etc (Rolls and et.al,  2016).

  • Relationship with patients: Healthy relationship with the patients supports in identifying their medical situation and providing them treatment accordingly. This relationship can help the care providers in fulfilling their responsibilities well and improving conditions of the person (Renedo and et.al, 2015).
  • Relationship with staff members: It is the responsibility of medical professional to build relationship with other staff members. This helps person in rendering adequate level of support. When there is a strong bonding with other co-staff members and individual will be able to get support at the time of workload. This will support in minimizing confusion and provide correct treatment to the users (Busse, Aboneh and Tefera, 2014).
  • Relationship with senior doctors: It is very important to have strong relationship with senior doctors. By this, a medical professional can learn new things and can develop critical thinking skill. This will help doctors in making correct decision in critical situations (Manners, 2017).

3.2 Personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting rights of individual

            Personal effectiveness plays significant role in the health and social care sector. It assists in promoting and supporting rights of individuals in Caring home group. This empowers the person and makes them able to take correct decision in every critical situation. It helps the person in identifying quality of the person working in the organization. Personal effectiveness support individual in protecting their rights and developing confidence as well (Ellner and et.al,  2015).  Caring home group always take care of its employees and protect their rights. All medical professionals try to maintain confidentiality at the workplace so that care users feel happy  and they share their feeling with the medical professionals. It helps them in developing healthy relationship with them and providing them correct treatment.

3.3 Ways to resolve issues

            There are many issues encountered in professional relationship that affects the working performance of an individual and create problems for them to provide quality care to patients. Several ways to resolve these issues in professional relationship are explained as below:

Use of effective communication channels

            One of the major causes is communication gap. When medical professionals do not coordinate with each other well then it increases confusion and impacts their professional relationship (Estabrooks and et.al, 2015). Caring home group should take support of correct communication channels so that nurses, doctors can interact well and can identify their responsibilities. Care home should use face-to-face communication as well as email communication. Both these channels will be beneficial in order to resolve issues.

Training to professionals

            Staff members  who are working in Caring home group should get adequate training (McFadden, Campbell and Taylor, 2014). This will make them aware with their responsibilities and they will be able to perform well in organization without any issue. This will help in avoiding confusion and conflict situation in workplace.

4.4 Ways to improve personal contribution to collective effectiveness of a team

It is essential for the medical professional to enhance personal contribution in the care home. This is better for an effective team working in Caring home group. Sharing of ideas and effective communication among all team members is a great way through which team effectiveness can be enhanced (Renedo and et.al, 2015). Each individual should coordinate well with others and must discuss innovative ideas with each other. This supports medical professionals in finding new ways to perform their duties well.  When they share their work, then it would be beneficial in managing workload. By this way, all medical staff members will be able to perform well and be able to pay more attention on all patients. This encourages effective teamwork (Fayyad and et.al, 2017). This enhances services of Caring home group and helps the organization in proving quality care services to the old age people as per their medical requirements.


From the above report, it can be concluded that professional working play significant role in health and social care sector. Each practitioner is required to follow code of practices and  have to provide quality care services to care users. This helps in minimizing errors and getting good results. Effective communication and teamwork are major ways through which issues can be resolved in health and social care organization. This assists in improving practices of the workplace and dealing with the patients well. Personal contribution is helpful for the betterment of organization. This assists in accomplishing goals of the firm and resolve issues significantly.

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  • Busse, H., Aboneh, E. A. and Tefera, G., 2014. Learning from developing countries in strengthening health systems: an evaluation of personal and professional impact among global health volunteers at Addis Ababa University's Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (Ethiopia). Globalization and health. 10(1). pp.64.
  • Ellner, A. L. and et.al.,  2015. Health systems innovation at academic health centers: leading in a new era of health care delivery. Academic Medicine. 90(7). pp.872-880.
  • Estabrooks, C. A. and et.al., 2015. Who is looking after Mom and Dad? Unregulated workers in Canadian long-term care homes. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. 34(1). pp.47-59.
  • Fayyad, J. and et.al., 2017. The descriptive epidemiology of DSM-IV Adult ADHD in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. 9(1). pp.47-65.
  • Lewallen, T. C. and et.al.,  2015. The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model: a new approach for improving educational attainment and healthy development for students. Journal of School Health. 85(11). pp.729-739.
  • Manners, R. A., 2017. Professional dominance: The social structure of medical care. Routledge.
  • McFadden, P., Campbell, A. and Taylor, B., 2014. Resilience and burnout in child protection social work: Individual and organisational themes from a systematic literature review. The British Journal of Social Work. 45(5). pp.1546-1563.
  • Ocloo, J. and Matthews, R., 2016. From tokenism to empowerment: progressing patient and public involvement in healthcare improvement. BMJ Qual Saf, pp.bmjqs-2015.
  • Renedo, A. and et.al., 2015. Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare Quality Improvement: How organizations can help patients and professionals to collaborate. Public Management Review. 17(1). pp.17-34.
  • Rolls, K. and et.al., 2016. How health care professionals use social media to create virtual communities: an integrative review. Journal of medical Internet research. 18(6).
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